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TheLastDayx3 (334)
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kiffkatze (140)
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Eg63 (138)
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Nekio (59)
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VichysEigentum (49)
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1
Anmeldedatum : 01.08.09

I lossed !! Empty
BeitragThema: I lossed !!   I lossed !! EmptySa Aug 01, 2009 2:11 am

Hello i wanna take back my bow :/ i lossed it while rollback
Its Ultimate Angel Bow +8 with diamonds +38dex and aveken +22sta
I got this bow on my char but while rollback i lossed last diamond with dex and its booring to make new one !
Here is img
I lossed !! Flyff010
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